Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Misti Alpaca Hat

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Needles: US 8, 16" circulars and set of double points

Yarn: Misti Alpaca Super Chunky in Azulichen

A wonderfully comfortable hat to wear both in the yarn and the size. It will fit most adults.

Pattern: Misti Alpaca Hat

by Christina Moran

Using a long tail cast on, cast on 104 stitches to a 16” circular needle, place marker, join in the round and begin ribbing as follows:

Ribbing: *Knit 2, Purl 2, repeat from * around to marker. Repeat this row until ribbing measures approximately 1” from the cast on edge.

Work in Stockinette Stitch until the hat measures 6” from the cast on edge. Transfer stitches to double points. Begin decreasing as follows:

Row 1: Starting at marker, S2KP2 (slip 2 together knitwise, knit 1, pass both slipped stitches over the knit stitch), knit 10, * S2KP2, knit 10, repeat from * across row.

Row 2: knit

Repeat Rows 1-2, 4 more times (8 stitches on the needles)

Leaving an 8” tail, thread a tapestry needle and slip all the stitches onto tail yarn purlwise. Pull taught and weave in tails.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice designing !....I have some Alpha Hat Collection Visit to see Alpaca Hats